Monday, August 9, 2010

Building Customer Loyalty

5 Easy and Inexpensive Tools.

Follow-up with customers is extremely important – especially in the face of uncertain economic times. Consistent follow-up requires a lot of effort, but does not necessarily require a big budget. With enough persistence, you’ll reap the benefits of a steady stream of repeat business and referrals. After all, it takes far less time and money to sell to an existing customer than a new prospect. Here are 5 follow-up tools to motivate your customers to keep coming back:

  1. Thank-you notes: This is a no-brainer, but you'd be surprised at how many businesses neglect to write thank-you notes--especially when they get busy. Take the time to show your customers that you genuinely appreciate their business.
  2. Postcard mailings: Postcards are an effective way to stay in contact with your customers. They can be used to inform them of special promotions and new products and services. Regular mailings will also maintain a front-of-mind awareness with your customers.
  3. Customer Newsletter: Send out a periodic newsletter that includes such good fodder as "Quote of the Month" and "Recipe of the Month." Try adding useful tips on such topics as time-management, gardening or anything else that interests the bulk of your customers. After all, you’re reading our newsletter, aren’t you?
  4. Birthdays, anniversaries and other special occasions: These occasions are very important to your customers. Be among the few who actually remember a customer's special days, and that customer will never forget you!
  5. Customer Surveys: Demonstrate that you care about the quality of your service. Without this invaluable information, you'll have a hard time improving your products and services.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Multi-Channel Marketing

Multi-channel marketing leverages the value of your customer data with the power of Professional Print & Mail’s comprehensive print, mail and data management capabilities to fully maximize the impact of your marketing message.

We now offer an Integrated Marketing Solution, focused on providing you with the ability to significantly improve your direct marketing results. Additionally, you gain the ability to track and measure, in real-time, every aspect of your campaign including the ROI.
  • Personalize your messages to leverage your data

  • Integrate your message across multiple media channels with the use of personalized URLs (pURLs) and QR Codes

  • Gather specific responses to create future campaigns that target customers’ needs, wants, and desires

  • React immediately to leads

  • Close more deals

  • Increase returns on your marketing investment

Try it and watch your responses increase! Call your Sales Rep at 559/237-7468 or email to schedule a demo.