Thursday, October 28, 2010

Direct Mail Goes Digital

What was old is new again thanks to thinking inside the box. Add a QR code to any printed marketing piece, such as direct mail, and you’ve opened your marketing to a multiplatform experience for your customers and prospects.

What is a QR code? You’ve probably seen them cropping up in magazines and other printed materials over the past few months as smart phone technology continues to reach more hands in the U.S. In essence, a QR code is a relatively new type of two-dimensional barcode box that, when scanned by an app on a smart phone’s camera, generates information that causes a smart phone to take a desired action.

Those actions range from opening a website browser with specific information, providing a phone number to be dialed or triggering a text message to be sent. Here are some ways you can capitalize on using printed material in concert with other digital marketing channels.

Direct mail. QR codes are still relatively new to many smart phone users, and so are their phones. That means many are anxious to see where a QR code will take them. Add them to your direct mail to send prospects to your website, a landing page on your website for a coupon or drive them to your social media pages like Facebook or Twitter.

Brochures, menus and catalogs. Imagine having customers peruse your catalog or menu and giving them a QR code to go directly to a detailed information page where they can order online instantly. Maybe your brochure has a QR code that gives them instant access to a video demonstration of how your product works.

Business cards. We’ve all had to enter contact information into our little black books. Now with a quick scan, your contact information can be uploaded to your customer’s address book.

With this new technology, all of the possibilities are limited only by your imagination. To get started, give the print-to-mail experts at Professional Print & Mail a call at 559/237-7468 or email us at We can help you with your new integrated marketing campaign.

Monday, October 18, 2010

The 5-Step Plan to Win Business

STEP 1 – Put together a mailing list.

If you don’t already have an existing customer list, this is not hard. All you need to do is give people a reason to give you their names and addresses. This could be as easy as a notebook on your counter or a form on your website that invites customers to “Join our mailing list.” Or a fishbowl that says “Enter a drawing.”

STEP 2 – Devise an offer.

Once you have a list of names and addresses, you need to give the people/businesses on that list a reason to do business with you. Or better yet, a reason to do business with you now.

Discounts and sales are among the most common offers because they steer business your way that might otherwise go to competitors. But anyone can have a sale. Make it a private sale only for people on your mailing list, your valued customers, and you gain loyalty and sales.

STEP 3 – Create the offer, print it, and mail it.

Now it’s time to present your offer to the list.

STEP 4 – Review your results.

One of the benefits of direct mail is that it’s measurable. You know right away if it’s working or not. By testing different offers and mailing formats you can discover what works best for your business.

STEP 5 – Repeat.

A successful direct mail program is just that, a Program. To be successful, you need to mail consistently and frequently.